How to Use Employee Management Software in your business Workflow


Employee management software are a big part of business workflow now. Without these tools, you would waste a lot of time and energy trying to track down every little piece of work and planning tasks. The information that you enter into employee management software is an important part of your daily business workflow. But if you aren't careful, the information that you enter into those systems can get lost or inaccurate. Here are some tips for using employee management software effectively:

Employee management is the process of managing a employee. The term employee relates to a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. Employee management software help you plan and monitor your employees more effectively—whether you're organizing an office party or planning an international business expansion.

What to look for in employee management software

The key to successful employee management is being able to plan and monitor your employees effectively. One of the most important parts of this is staying organized and documenting your progress. Employee management software can help you be more efficient and organized so you can manage your employees better. Here are some tips for using employee management software like Finclock, Finclock, Basecamp, Asana, Redbooth and Podio in your workflow:

Planning and communicating with your team. Employee management software helps you organize tasks by assigning them to specific people, providing a space for discussions about each task, and creating deadlines that keep everyone on track. Using these tools makes it easier for everyone on the team to see what's going on with all of the employees they're working on. These tools also make it easy to keep track of communication between members of the team, so you always know where each person stands on their tasks.


When it comes to employee management software, there are plenty of options out there. You can use an application such as Basecamp, Microsoft Employee or Asana to manage your employees at work, for example. But most of these employee management software require you to pay a monthly fee to access their features. Finclock is one of the few free options that's still easy-to-use and flexible enough for users to manage multiple employees. What's more, unlike some other employee management software, you don't have to learn any complex languages or unique terminology to get started with Finclock Employee management software online.

Here are a few tips and tricks for using Finclock in your business workflow:

  1. Start with the basics

The first thing you want to do when creating your Finclock board is to make sure it's set up correctly by adding the right labels on your cards and boards. User "Finclock Support" suggests adding these labels at the top of your board: The name of the employee, the name of the team member working on the employee The date by which you're hoping to complete this task

  1. Make sure you're setting goals and deadlines

You can't manage what you can't measure. One great way to track your workflow within Finclock is by selecting the tasks under each employee and assigning deadlines to each task.

  1. Manage the employee lifecycle efficiently

Employee management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time. The Employee Management Institute defines employee management as: "A process of developing a product, service or result that includes the activities of defining the employee, planning the work, organizing and leading people, and controlling the employee execution".

Steps in a Employee Management Cycle

To illustrate this concept let's imagine that you are preparing for a camping trip. You would probably put together your "camping list". In your list you would include clothing, food items, cooking gear etc. Your camping list is your agenda or Gantt Chart. This list shows all the tasks that need to be completed to ensure a successful camping trip. The list is used as a reference during each phase of your employee. Each task that needs to be completed is assigned to one or more people on your team. They will do the work and at some point report back with their findings for review. When all of the tasks are done and approved then you will have completed your camping trip.

The employee management cycle is a process of planning, monitoring and controlling the progress that is needed to complete the employee. Let us use the example of a project management cycle applied by a moving company in Nairobi. Their process entails these five steps:

  1. Planning and Preparation – In this step, the employee manager and the team determine what needs to be done and how much time it will take. The employee manager also decides the most effective approach for completing the employee. They decide on how much time will be required for each activity, how much money should be spent on each activity, who is responsible for each activity, etc.
  2. Execution – After planning comes the execution of those plans. The team completes the activities laid out in the first step within the timeline allocated by the employee manager's plan. This is how you start to see tangible results from your work.
  3. Monitoring and Controlling – As your team works toward achieving its goals under the employee.

Attaining productivity in the world of staff management

Do you know that it costs businesses over $1 billion in lost business per year due to poor employee productivity? One way to fix this problem is through an Employee Management tools. Which will help employees to be more profitable and employees productive. Nowadays, people are swamped with work. That is why it is necessary to have a system in place to manage employees and tasks so that they are done thoroughly and on time. Employee management tools can provide you with the solutions you need to keep on track with your employees.

Functions of Employee Management Software

The more companies rely on cloud-based solutions, the more they demand from their employee management software. Employee teams can now connect with customers, partners, and other stakeholders through social media channels and chat applications.

Employee Documentation

Online employee management tools provide information about the performance of the team and its members in real time. It offers a complete picture of work progress within the employee context and therefore helps to understand where bottlenecks occur and how to resolve them. It is also useful for stakeholders to track progress at a glance and assess potential risks that may arise during the employee's execution phase.

Employee reporting

Online employee management tools make it possible to collect feedback from all key stakeholders on an ongoing basis. This enables managers to address issues in real time and correct any deviations.


Online employee management tools helps eliminate most of communication barriers between team members working remotely or at different locations. It provides all team members with access to critical documents they need in order to carry out their tasks effectively.

Performance Tracking

Online employee management software gives managers the ability to track their team's performance and productivity without being present at all times. This allows them to reassign tasks if needed, as well as take proactive measures when necessary.

Instant alerts

Online employee management software allows employees to view notifications about upcoming deadlines and next milestones.

Simplify employee management cycle

It is important to understand the different steps in a employee management cycle. To know more about these steps, read the article below:

  1. Employee Planning – This includes all activities required to initiate, plan, schedule and deliver a employee. It involves analyzing the employee, defining its objectives and requirements, creating a detailed plan for the execution of employee activities, establishing control measures and building in contingency plans.
  2. Budget Preparation – There are two aspects of budgeting. One involves estimating the costs (labor, material, equipment and facilities) that will be incurred in each phase of the employee; the other is forecasting income from various sources that will be used for funding the employee.
  3. Employee Execution – Activities in this phase include procurement of materials and equipment needed; recruitment of personnel; installation of facilities; development of procedures and training of staff; testing and commissioning of equipment; installation and startup of computer hardware/software; procurement of materials or services from suppliers as per contract terms and conditions; execution/implementation of employee objectives; designing and construction; starting up operations; conducting trials etc., as per the original schedule developed during planning phase
  4. Work Reporting – During this phase, reporting is done on all activities being executed by each group or department involved in

Explained Employee management cycle

There are five steps in a employee management cycle: 1.Planning 2.Execution 3.Control 4.Closing 5.Reporting.The planning stage includes creating a employee scope, identifying employee objectives and finding out what is needed for the employee, creating a schedule for the employee, identifying risks for the task, determining a budget for the employee, and creating an action plan. The execution stage is when all of the tasks need to be completed and all of the work is being done to meet your schedule. The control stage includes checking on your team's progress and status reports from team members on their progress to make sure everyone is on track, then communicating any problems to those responsible for that task or step in the task. The closing stage is when you check that everything has been completed according to plan and all reports are submitted by due date and accepted. The reporting stage is when you put together a final report of all tasks that were completed during this employee including any issues that were identified during the employee.

Main activities in employee planning stage

  1. Define Scope: The first step in a employee management cycle is to define the scope of the employee. This step mainly consists of tasks like:

1.1 Defining the specifications and constraints

1.2 Defining the objectives of the employee

1.3 Defining all scope items, including products, work packages, deliverables, services and costs

1.4 Defining the performance criteria

Step 1 is important because it informs the other steps that follow in the employee management cycle. It is impossible thus to define the implementation details without having first defined the scope of the employee.

  1. Initiate Employee: As soon as you have defined all your scope items, you are now ready to initiate your employee. The main goal of this step is to ensure that everyone has bought into the employee and they are committed to see it through to its successful completion. Some of the key activities that take place during this step include:

2.1 Establishing a formal approved start of employee baseline

2.2 Providing official authorization for expenditure

2.3 Creating a team with all relevant skillsets required for successful execution

  1. Plan Employee: Planning is one of those steps in a employee management cycle where you actually determine what needs to be done.

Benefits of HR management tools


HR management is the process of monitoring and controlling HR departments, using a structured approach to ensure that they meet time, cost, quality and other constraints. HR management covers the functions of initiating, planning, executing, duties in an organization. The first step in the process is to initiate the HR department. In this phase the people who will be involved in the HR department are identified, their roles are defined and the scope of work for each role is determined. This phase also involves analysis activities such as defining goals and objectives of the HR department, specifying how these goals can be achieved. A decision is made to move forward with the HR department or not. If so then planning begins. Once a decision has been made to move forward with a work, plan its execution. In this phase you will identify what needs to be done to achieve your objectives and how it should be done; how much it will cost; how long it will take; what resources are required; what risks there are for going ahead with the HR department; how much contingency is needed. The management of a HR department is an ongoing process that involves the coordination and integration of time, cost, quality and human resource goals. The results of the management process may be tangible products or intangible services. As a Human Resource Manager, you are responsible for the end-to-end management of a HR department from start to finish. Using staff management software improves efficiency and reduces cost in HR departments.

HR department Management Cycle

When a HR department is started, there are some steps which must be taken in order to make that HR department a success. The work involved in the HR department management process can be broken down into seven steps:


The first step in HR department management is planning. Planning includes a requirement analysis, an assessment of the amount of resources needed to complete the HR department, and the establishment of a schedule and budget. Planning also involves determining what methods will be used to monitor the progress of the HR department. The purpose of monitoring is to allow adjustments to be made when changes are required.

Planning is usually done by a team leader who works with other team members to determine the details of how the HR department will be carried out. A written document often called a "HR department charter" will be created during this stage and shared with all team members. A HR department charter typically contains a description of what's being accomplished, why it's important, who's responsible for it, how long it will take, and how much it will cost.

Staff Identification - Once planning is done, you are ready to begin identifying your specific HR department needs. This involves determining exactly what you want your final product or service to look like when everything is said and done. This step may involve a great deal of research and preparation of HR department scope.

Monitoring and Control

Monitoring and controlling a HR department come after the planning stage. They are both important processes that help to make sure the HR department stays on track, but they are different processes. Monitoring looks at the status of the HR department and how it is meeting its goals. Controlling finds ways to make changes to the HR department in order to keep it on schedule or within budget.

  1. Know your baseline values: Baseline values are important so you can determine if changes have occurred that may affect your HR department. If you don't know what your baseline values are, how will you know if there is a change? It is common for people working on HR departments to not know their baseline values for critical aspects of their HR departments, such as budget or timeline. This makes monitoring more challenging because when you do not have a good idea of where you are, it is hard to know if the changes you see are good or bad changes. To find out what your baseline is, go back and review your work from the beginning and identify any numbers that might be helpful such as cost estimates and timelines.
  2. Monitor regularly: You should monitor your HR department at least once per week for at least a few minutes each time you do it. The more often you monitor, the better off

HR department Reporting

HR reporting is a critical aspect of HR department management. It helps to ensure that the HR department is being managed as it should be and this in turn can help to control costs and schedules and to identify potential problems before they cause too much disruption. When you are new to HR department management it can be hard to know what information you actually need to report. This article will help you understand what information needs to be reported during each stage of the HR department life cycle.

HR department handover

HR department handover is just as important as HR department initiation and execution. HR department handover ensures that both parties are satisfied with the end result and that no loose ends remain. Successful HR department handover will ensure a smooth transition of the HR department to the client. Here are the 3 steps in a HR department management cycle:

Prepare for Handover. Pay attention to detail. Double-check everything, especially if you're working on a particularly complex HR department. It's essential that you don't overlook any details, as there's nothing more frustrating to your client than realizing they have to go through another round of revisions once they receive the finalized copy. This can also mean going back and updating any documentation.

Prepare a detailed handover report. You've probably heard this before, but it's worth repeating: create an accurate and comprehensive handover report. This report should include all the relevant information about your HR department — background research, photos, final draft, and how you arrived at your conclusions. Make sure you spell out any processes that could be difficult for your client to replicate on their own (e.g., if you used specific software). If possible, try to include links to where relevant information can be found online (e.g., research sites or other

HR department management involves many different tasks and is not easy to master. If you're unfamiliar with the industry and planning on starting your career as a HR department manager, it is essential to have a strong understanding of what it takes to be successful in this position. The following article will provide you with some basic tips to help you succeed as a HR department manager, including information on what software are needed and how to get started in this field. These are just some of the many ways that HR department management tools can help your business. If you're looking into such a tool or thinking about switching over, read this article for more information. Nowadays, you can find many HR management tools and apps that can help you create a more organized workflow.

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