6 steps to improve employee productivity

Employee management software helps you to keep a record of the projects done by your team. The project management tools PMS tools provided in the software include creating a project and assigning the work to team members. When creating a project, you will select the project manager and the team members to work under them. Here are six main steps when managing projects and tasks in your organization.

Step 1: Create a task plan

The first step is to create a task plan comprising the tasks commonly completed in your organization. These tasks are created per department, whereby each department has a general order of tasks. The task dependencies help you to automate the task reporting, whereby a sequence of tasks are automatically assigned to people, according to the time of completion. Thus, the first step when using employee management software is to add the task plan under all departments.

Step 2: Create projects

The second step is to create a project, using the employee management system tools. In this case, add the project name, project budget, start date, end date, and the project description. The next step is to select the project manager and attach documents that may be needed by the team members. Then, save the project and proceed to add tasks. This step helps you to see the status of the project, including planned, active, and completed projects. Moreover, you will see the project brief, files, and timeline.

Step 3: Assign tasks to employees

The third step is to add and assign tasks to team members. Using the employee task management software, you will be able to select the tasks to be completed under a project. This is the point where you set the task start date, task deadline, and task description, brief, or comments. The next step is to attach the documents that may be needed under the specific task. Furthermore, you will be able to assign the tasks to team members, whereby the workload is shown, helping you to assign tasks to team members with the least workload. Hence, the assigned task helps you to balance workload and automatically notify people about the work details.

Step 4: Manage Project costs

Managing project costs involves adding the expenses incurred during the lifetime of a project. The employees or project manager can select the items used in a project, whereby the cost is automatically calculated by the project management software. Moreover, services offered are added, whereby the costing may be based on hours, days or task-wise. The project’s total cost is automatically calculated and the project manager can view the project cost vs. budget reports. Therefore, using the PMS tools for project costing helps to improve accountability, cut costs in projects, and increase profits.

Step 5: Work reporting

The fifth step goes is work reporting using the employee task management system tools. The team members will log in to their accounts and view the work assigned to them, including the task name, comments, and the attached documents. At this point, the team member will select the task reporting tool and add a work report. task management system finclockThe work report includes the actions taken in a task, work progress, attachment of documents, and comments about the task completed. Furthermore, using the employee task management system tools, the team members can change the task status to complete, when they finish working on it. At this point, the project manager gets SMS notifications when a work report is made by an employee.

Step 6: Evaluate work reports and employee performance

The sixth step is to evaluate the work reports and make informed decisions. Using the employee project management tools, the project manager or company admin can evaluate the work reports, attached documents, and adherence to deadlines. These reports help the management team to evaluate the performance of the people, including their work performance reports in percentages. The reports help management to decide on the best work allocation strategy, which improves productivity in the organization.

Project planning guide

Project management planning is needed for business growth. The need to create a scaling business model in products and services businesses necessitates using project planning tools, to help all team members to complete work on time and generate profits. Hence, businesses need to implement systems that ensure faster completion of projects in a manner that attains customer satisfaction. Notably, the best method to grow business is to have many customer referrals, which is only attainable when multiple projects are completed within the set timelines. Thus, your business needs project planning software to grow.

Project planning software tools

A project planning software exceeds the normal spreadsheets, commonly used for project management. You will need project management tools (PMS tools) that help you to create project plans. Moreover, the PMS software will help you to make work progress reports, which may be shared with the client. Besides, the team members need to work towards common goals, which are defined in the project description. Using Finclock PMS tools, a manager can create a project and give a project brief to the team members. The team members are assigned duties as tasks, which goes to each person’s account. When one logs in, they see the task description and take the right steps towards completing the tasks. Thus, the best project planning software comes with PMS tools to create projects, report work progress, and evaluate the input of each team member.

How to use project planning software tools

A project planning software has multiple features, which are meant to help you manage work and initiate consistency in projects. The first step is to add the task plan, whereby one defines the common tasks completed in the organization. Then, one can create a project by defining the name, the budget, and the project manager. Notably, you will be able to assign any team member, the role of a project manager. When one is assigned such a role, they get an SMS, which triggers the action to login to the project management website. The website is secured through SSL and anti-spam tools, enabling efficient management of projects. Furthermore, one may access the system using any browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari browser. Thus, the first step when using project planning software is to log in to the online account and create a project.

When creating a project, you type the project brief or description and assign the project status. Here, the project status includes planned projects, active projects, and completed projects. When you create a project, you will proceed to select the tasks to be completed under the project. Since the task plan contains all the common tasks in your organization, you will just select the tasks applicable in a given project. The next step is to set the task timelines, whereby you will select the start and end date. Then, you will add a description of the task, which is commonly known as a task brief. Hence, the second step is to use the online task management software tools to select the tasks that apply to a given project. The final step in project creation is to assign the tasks to people. In this step, you will see the workload screen, indicating the number of active tasks assigned per person, and select the most appropriate person to complete a given task. When assigned tasks, the team members will receive SMS notification, which gives them instant information about the task assigned to them. Hence, the team members will log in to their accounts and start working on their tasks.

Task reporting using project planning software

The people assigned tasks will log in to their accounts and view the tasks assigned to them. They will be able to click on the task reporting feature, whereby they can input the work reports. Notably, the task reporting allows adding of many reports under the same task. These reports include the actions taken under a project, including attaching the files used or generated in a given task. Moreover, one may attach images and input text descriptions of the work done. Furthermore, one can select the work progress, which is given as a percentage of the total work, from 0 to 100%. Another important feature is cost reporting, whereby one inputs the amount spent when completing a given activity. The project costing software will automatically calculate the total expenses in the project and compare them with the project budget. Consequently, the project report will include the profit margins in a given project.

Team communication using project planning software

Using the tool of the request, the team members can make requests under a given project. The requests include the project information, finance, and other requests. When one creates a request, the recipient gets an SMS, which shows that they have a request from a team member. The recipient can respond to the request and mark the new status of the request, such as approved, rescheduled, or rejected. Another important tool in the project planning software is automated notifications when the status of a task or a project is changed. This feature allows the team members to review the next action. Moreover, the task dependencies are automated, such that when one task is completed, the next action automatically changes the status to active. These PMS tools help team embers to communicate smoothly and complete projects on time.

Project reports using project planning software

Project reports help the business to evaluate the work and financial performance of projects. Using the tools provided on the project management website, the manager or business owner can download project reports and review the financial performance of the project. Notably, the costs incurred in the project are input as the project continues. Ultimately, the project will be completed and the total costs automatically calculated. The project financial report indicates the profit in a project, by comparing the set budget during project creation and the total expenses incurred during the project lifecycle. Another important report is the staff performance report, which indicates the tasks assigned to a person, the late tasks, and the completed tasks. The system also calculates the percentage performance of the team members and ranks them from the highest to the lowest performer. Thus, the reports generated in the project management software enables business growth by increasing profits and productivity.

PMS tools guide

PMS tools for online project planning and reporting

Project management software tools help people to manage the work done in a project, from project creation, task reporting to financial reports. Currently, businesses need to increase profits and minimize the operational costs, making PMS tools the best investment for all businesses. Thinking of a way to implement a project plan that helps your business attain high profits is critical, especially during current economic times. Thus, here is a guide to using PMS tools in your business.

Project management plan for business.

Every business has specific work requirements, depending on the nature of projects. The projects range from daily projects to long term projects but all businesses will get these project management benefits as described earlier. Using a project management software will help your business to manage all types of projects, but the specific details of a project may not be covered by all project management software tools. However, the best way to manage short term projects is to use an online project plan that allows continuous addition of work reports to a project. Seeking the services of  project management software company for short term projects is appropriate when you have internet connection in the workplace.

Long term project management plan may involve multiple tasks under the same project. For instance, a project lasting over one year may involve 10 tasks, and several activities under each task. Moreover, long term projects may involve multiple people. Hence, selecting a project management plan for long term project will require an online PMS tools that accommodate multiple tasks and multiple users. The best way is to look for a system that offers a repeatable project plan and allows expansion of project scope.

Task planning using online PMS tools

Task planning begins with creation of a general list of tasks performed in your organization. The tasks are scheduled according to work dependencies in your business. When a project is created, the tasks to be performed under it are selected and assigned to people, who get notifications via SMS. The team members can login to their account and view the task details, which they will proceed to complete. When one completes a task, the project manager gets notifications, which helps them to change status of the tasks from ongoing to complete. The next task is automatically assigned to the next team members and they get a notification. This task planning process continues smoothly, enabling the team members to complete work on time. Importantly, the team members make work reports, indicating the work done, and include attachment of documents, such as images and PDF files of the work completed. Consequently, the task planning using online PMS tools helps your team to finish work on time and eliminate bottlenecks in projects.

Project management tools for businesses

Project planner tools for business include project creation, project planning, project reporting, project cost management and financial reports. Using PMS tools does not eliminate the need for periodic work evaluation, implying that the most effective project management software will include automated progress tracking and evaluation tools. The best system for project tracking is available online as a subscription. In this case, the system allows you to create project plans, make work reports, evaluate project progress and evaluate work reports.

Project management website with cost management

A project management website with cost management features can help your business increase profits through automated reporting of expenses, making financial plans and reporting of profits/losses in a given project. Notably, most systems only allow you to make task reports, but the best project management software includes the cost management features, whereby the users can make cost reports for the tasks completed. Moreover, the users can make financial requests and the overall expenses in the project are calculated. Thus, the project management website with cost management features is the best option for businesses of all sizes.

Project planning software for performance tracking.

A project planning software has multiple benefits for businesses, which include tracking work progress, tracking costs and performance of the people. When a project is created, the users are assigned tasks with deadlines and budgets. The users proceed to complete their work and make daily work reports. The tasks are evaluated according to the set deadlines, whereby the users are notified on late tasks. Moreover, online PMS tools help to track bottlenecks in a project, whereby the manager and the team members are notified using SMS. Consequently, every team member is responsible for their work and the project is completed on time. At the end of a given period, such as a month, the performance reports are automatically generated, whereby the users’ performance is provided. The performance report is tamper proof, which helps the team members to perceive a fair evaluation. Therefore, the best way to improve productivity is to use project planning software with performance tracking tools.

Project expenses tracking

Using online project management software helps you to track the expenses in projects and compare to the budgets. Markedly, project scope may change during execution, which affects the profit margin. Using an online project management software for tracking expenses helps your business to ensure profitability in projects. Moreover online PMS tools helps your team to keep a record of items and services offered under a project. This method ensures that all costs are accounted for in a project, which eliminates overhead costs. The outcome of using the PMS tools is increased profit margins in projects. Besides, the project financial reports indicate the budget against the costs, which helps in future project costing plans. Therefore, using PMs Tools for project expense tracking helps your business to grow.

Best Online PMS tools for businesses

The best online PMs tools for businesses include project planning, task planning, project costing, project costing and performance reporting. These tools are available in online project management software, which helps your team to track work and focus on profit. The automated evaluation of profit and performance helps your business to grow and improve productivity. Therefore,  the best way to choose online PMS tools is to start by evaluating the features offered by the project management software online and make decisions on the best fit for your business.

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