How to Use Employee Management Software in your business Workflow


Employee management software are a big part of business workflow now. Without these tools, you would waste a lot of time and energy trying to track down every little piece of work and planning tasks. The information that you enter into employee management software is an important part of your daily business workflow. But if you aren't careful, the information that you enter into those systems can get lost or inaccurate. Here are some tips for using employee management software effectively:

Employee management is the process of managing a employee. The term employee relates to a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. Employee management software help you plan and monitor your employees more effectively—whether you're organizing an office party or planning an international business expansion.

What to look for in employee management software

The key to successful employee management is being able to plan and monitor your employees effectively. One of the most important parts of this is staying organized and documenting your progress. Employee management software can help you be more efficient and organized so you can manage your employees better. Here are some tips for using employee management software like Finclock, Finclock, Basecamp, Asana, Redbooth and Podio in your workflow:

Planning and communicating with your team. Employee management software helps you organize tasks by assigning them to specific people, providing a space for discussions about each task, and creating deadlines that keep everyone on track. Using these tools makes it easier for everyone on the team to see what's going on with all of the employees they're working on. These tools also make it easy to keep track of communication between members of the team, so you always know where each person stands on their tasks.


When it comes to employee management software, there are plenty of options out there. You can use an application such as Basecamp, Microsoft Employee or Asana to manage your employees at work, for example. But most of these employee management software require you to pay a monthly fee to access their features. Finclock is one of the few free options that's still easy-to-use and flexible enough for users to manage multiple employees. What's more, unlike some other employee management software, you don't have to learn any complex languages or unique terminology to get started with Finclock Employee management software online.

Here are a few tips and tricks for using Finclock in your business workflow:

  1. Start with the basics

The first thing you want to do when creating your Finclock board is to make sure it's set up correctly by adding the right labels on your cards and boards. User "Finclock Support" suggests adding these labels at the top of your board: The name of the employee, the name of the team member working on the employee The date by which you're hoping to complete this task

  1. Make sure you're setting goals and deadlines

You can't manage what you can't measure. One great way to track your workflow within Finclock is by selecting the tasks under each employee and assigning deadlines to each task.

  1. Manage the employee lifecycle efficiently

Employee management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time. The Employee Management Institute defines employee management as: "A process of developing a product, service or result that includes the activities of defining the employee, planning the work, organizing and leading people, and controlling the employee execution".

Steps in a Employee Management Cycle

To illustrate this concept let's imagine that you are preparing for a camping trip. You would probably put together your "camping list". In your list you would include clothing, food items, cooking gear etc. Your camping list is your agenda or Gantt Chart. This list shows all the tasks that need to be completed to ensure a successful camping trip. The list is used as a reference during each phase of your employee. Each task that needs to be completed is assigned to one or more people on your team. They will do the work and at some point report back with their findings for review. When all of the tasks are done and approved then you will have completed your camping trip.

The employee management cycle is a process of planning, monitoring and controlling the progress that is needed to complete the employee. Let us use the example of a project management cycle applied by a moving company in Nairobi. Their process entails these five steps:

  1. Planning and Preparation – In this step, the employee manager and the team determine what needs to be done and how much time it will take. The employee manager also decides the most effective approach for completing the employee. They decide on how much time will be required for each activity, how much money should be spent on each activity, who is responsible for each activity, etc.
  2. Execution – After planning comes the execution of those plans. The team completes the activities laid out in the first step within the timeline allocated by the employee manager's plan. This is how you start to see tangible results from your work.
  3. Monitoring and Controlling – As your team works toward achieving its goals under the employee.

Attaining productivity in the world of staff management

Do you know that it costs businesses over $1 billion in lost business per year due to poor employee productivity? One way to fix this problem is through an Employee Management tools. Which will help employees to be more profitable and employees productive. Nowadays, people are swamped with work. That is why it is necessary to have a system in place to manage employees and tasks so that they are done thoroughly and on time. Employee management tools can provide you with the solutions you need to keep on track with your employees.

Functions of Employee Management Software

The more companies rely on cloud-based solutions, the more they demand from their employee management software. Employee teams can now connect with customers, partners, and other stakeholders through social media channels and chat applications.

Employee Documentation

Online employee management tools provide information about the performance of the team and its members in real time. It offers a complete picture of work progress within the employee context and therefore helps to understand where bottlenecks occur and how to resolve them. It is also useful for stakeholders to track progress at a glance and assess potential risks that may arise during the employee's execution phase.

Employee reporting

Online employee management tools make it possible to collect feedback from all key stakeholders on an ongoing basis. This enables managers to address issues in real time and correct any deviations.


Online employee management tools helps eliminate most of communication barriers between team members working remotely or at different locations. It provides all team members with access to critical documents they need in order to carry out their tasks effectively.

Performance Tracking

Online employee management software gives managers the ability to track their team's performance and productivity without being present at all times. This allows them to reassign tasks if needed, as well as take proactive measures when necessary.

Instant alerts

Online employee management software allows employees to view notifications about upcoming deadlines and next milestones.

Simplify employee management cycle

It is important to understand the different steps in a employee management cycle. To know more about these steps, read the article below:

  1. Employee Planning – This includes all activities required to initiate, plan, schedule and deliver a employee. It involves analyzing the employee, defining its objectives and requirements, creating a detailed plan for the execution of employee activities, establishing control measures and building in contingency plans.
  2. Budget Preparation – There are two aspects of budgeting. One involves estimating the costs (labor, material, equipment and facilities) that will be incurred in each phase of the employee; the other is forecasting income from various sources that will be used for funding the employee.
  3. Employee Execution – Activities in this phase include procurement of materials and equipment needed; recruitment of personnel; installation of facilities; development of procedures and training of staff; testing and commissioning of equipment; installation and startup of computer hardware/software; procurement of materials or services from suppliers as per contract terms and conditions; execution/implementation of employee objectives; designing and construction; starting up operations; conducting trials etc., as per the original schedule developed during planning phase
  4. Work Reporting – During this phase, reporting is done on all activities being executed by each group or department involved in

Explained Employee management cycle

There are five steps in a employee management cycle: 1.Planning 2.Execution 3.Control 4.Closing 5.Reporting.The planning stage includes creating a employee scope, identifying employee objectives and finding out what is needed for the employee, creating a schedule for the employee, identifying risks for the task, determining a budget for the employee, and creating an action plan. The execution stage is when all of the tasks need to be completed and all of the work is being done to meet your schedule. The control stage includes checking on your team's progress and status reports from team members on their progress to make sure everyone is on track, then communicating any problems to those responsible for that task or step in the task. The closing stage is when you check that everything has been completed according to plan and all reports are submitted by due date and accepted. The reporting stage is when you put together a final report of all tasks that were completed during this employee including any issues that were identified during the employee.

Main activities in employee planning stage

  1. Define Scope: The first step in a employee management cycle is to define the scope of the employee. This step mainly consists of tasks like:

1.1 Defining the specifications and constraints

1.2 Defining the objectives of the employee

1.3 Defining all scope items, including products, work packages, deliverables, services and costs

1.4 Defining the performance criteria

Step 1 is important because it informs the other steps that follow in the employee management cycle. It is impossible thus to define the implementation details without having first defined the scope of the employee.

  1. Initiate Employee: As soon as you have defined all your scope items, you are now ready to initiate your employee. The main goal of this step is to ensure that everyone has bought into the employee and they are committed to see it through to its successful completion. Some of the key activities that take place during this step include:

2.1 Establishing a formal approved start of employee baseline

2.2 Providing official authorization for expenditure

2.3 Creating a team with all relevant skillsets required for successful execution

  1. Plan Employee: Planning is one of those steps in a employee management cycle where you actually determine what needs to be done.

Benefits of HR management tools


HR management is the process of monitoring and controlling HR departments, using a structured approach to ensure that they meet time, cost, quality and other constraints. HR management covers the functions of initiating, planning, executing, duties in an organization. The first step in the process is to initiate the HR department. In this phase the people who will be involved in the HR department are identified, their roles are defined and the scope of work for each role is determined. This phase also involves analysis activities such as defining goals and objectives of the HR department, specifying how these goals can be achieved. A decision is made to move forward with the HR department or not. If so then planning begins. Once a decision has been made to move forward with a work, plan its execution. In this phase you will identify what needs to be done to achieve your objectives and how it should be done; how much it will cost; how long it will take; what resources are required; what risks there are for going ahead with the HR department; how much contingency is needed. The management of a HR department is an ongoing process that involves the coordination and integration of time, cost, quality and human resource goals. The results of the management process may be tangible products or intangible services. As a Human Resource Manager, you are responsible for the end-to-end management of a HR department from start to finish. Using staff management software improves efficiency and reduces cost in HR departments.

HR department Management Cycle

When a HR department is started, there are some steps which must be taken in order to make that HR department a success. The work involved in the HR department management process can be broken down into seven steps:


The first step in HR department management is planning. Planning includes a requirement analysis, an assessment of the amount of resources needed to complete the HR department, and the establishment of a schedule and budget. Planning also involves determining what methods will be used to monitor the progress of the HR department. The purpose of monitoring is to allow adjustments to be made when changes are required.

Planning is usually done by a team leader who works with other team members to determine the details of how the HR department will be carried out. A written document often called a "HR department charter" will be created during this stage and shared with all team members. A HR department charter typically contains a description of what's being accomplished, why it's important, who's responsible for it, how long it will take, and how much it will cost.

Staff Identification - Once planning is done, you are ready to begin identifying your specific HR department needs. This involves determining exactly what you want your final product or service to look like when everything is said and done. This step may involve a great deal of research and preparation of HR department scope.

Monitoring and Control

Monitoring and controlling a HR department come after the planning stage. They are both important processes that help to make sure the HR department stays on track, but they are different processes. Monitoring looks at the status of the HR department and how it is meeting its goals. Controlling finds ways to make changes to the HR department in order to keep it on schedule or within budget.

  1. Know your baseline values: Baseline values are important so you can determine if changes have occurred that may affect your HR department. If you don't know what your baseline values are, how will you know if there is a change? It is common for people working on HR departments to not know their baseline values for critical aspects of their HR departments, such as budget or timeline. This makes monitoring more challenging because when you do not have a good idea of where you are, it is hard to know if the changes you see are good or bad changes. To find out what your baseline is, go back and review your work from the beginning and identify any numbers that might be helpful such as cost estimates and timelines.
  2. Monitor regularly: You should monitor your HR department at least once per week for at least a few minutes each time you do it. The more often you monitor, the better off

HR department Reporting

HR reporting is a critical aspect of HR department management. It helps to ensure that the HR department is being managed as it should be and this in turn can help to control costs and schedules and to identify potential problems before they cause too much disruption. When you are new to HR department management it can be hard to know what information you actually need to report. This article will help you understand what information needs to be reported during each stage of the HR department life cycle.

HR department handover

HR department handover is just as important as HR department initiation and execution. HR department handover ensures that both parties are satisfied with the end result and that no loose ends remain. Successful HR department handover will ensure a smooth transition of the HR department to the client. Here are the 3 steps in a HR department management cycle:

Prepare for Handover. Pay attention to detail. Double-check everything, especially if you're working on a particularly complex HR department. It's essential that you don't overlook any details, as there's nothing more frustrating to your client than realizing they have to go through another round of revisions once they receive the finalized copy. This can also mean going back and updating any documentation.

Prepare a detailed handover report. You've probably heard this before, but it's worth repeating: create an accurate and comprehensive handover report. This report should include all the relevant information about your HR department — background research, photos, final draft, and how you arrived at your conclusions. Make sure you spell out any processes that could be difficult for your client to replicate on their own (e.g., if you used specific software). If possible, try to include links to where relevant information can be found online (e.g., research sites or other

HR department management involves many different tasks and is not easy to master. If you're unfamiliar with the industry and planning on starting your career as a HR department manager, it is essential to have a strong understanding of what it takes to be successful in this position. The following article will provide you with some basic tips to help you succeed as a HR department manager, including information on what software are needed and how to get started in this field. These are just some of the many ways that HR department management tools can help your business. If you're looking into such a tool or thinking about switching over, read this article for more information. Nowadays, you can find many HR management tools and apps that can help you create a more organized workflow.

Top 4 Staff Management tools

HR Managers usually have a degree in business administration, project management or engineering in addition to knowledge of the Company’s specific field. To be effective, Managers must possess advanced communication skills, leadership skills and be able to work well with all members of their team. Managers also need to be organized and efficient as they are often responsible for keeping on track with deadlines and managing any risks that may arise during the life span of their employees. I have been using project management tools (aka Project Management software) for a long time. I started off with Microsoft Project and then moved to Basecamp, which was the first project management software that I used when I started working for myself.

Evaluation Criteria

Before I share my list with you, let me tell you the criteria that I used to choose these five tools:

  1. Must be web based (no desktop software)
  2. It must be easy to use, no training required
  3. Must have file sharing capabilities and provide collaboration across the team members
  4. Must have time tracking capabilities so that my employees can track their work hours and expenses
  5. Must be affordable (ideally free or low cost)

Best Employee Management Software

FinClock is gaining popularity very quickly. It has a unique way of organizing employees and tasks, making it easy for teams to collaborate. Finclock has boards where you can create lists of tasks. You can add team members to different lists, and give them different permissions for each list. The best part about Finclock is its flexibility. When you start using it, you will notice that it doesn't have lots of features from other PM tools, but as your project grows, so can Finclock's functionality. If you are looking for a tool that focuses on usability more than features, then Finclock is perfect for you.

Quick Guide on Employee Management Software Tools for businesses


Employee Management is not just about setting up a task list, it is about managing people and resources in the most efficient way possible. It is about setting a goal, defining the way to achieve that goal and then tracking the progress to make sure everyone is on the same page. Finclock Employee Management tools helps you to manage the entire work cycle, cutting expenses and increasing profitability. Starting with creating projects online and organizing projects into boards, users will deliver work on time and within budget.

Benefits of Employee Management tools in a business

Every business has their own unique set of tasks and challenges. In some businesses, time is critical --- if you don't get your product to a customer on time, you might have to reimburse them for their troubles. In other businesses, quality is important --- if you ship a faulty product, you'll have to fix it. Tasks that can be easily quantified should be tracked through one or more Employee Management tools. This is as true for one man businesses as it is for Fortune 500 companies.

Employee Management software is a great and necessary tool for work managers. It allows us to organize and streamline our tasks, collaborate with our coworkers, and increase productivity. Not all Employee Management software is created equal though — some are better than others, especially when it comes to choosing the right one for your needs. The best online employee management system will suit all of your needs without costing you a fortune or taking up too much time to use. Here's what makes a good Employee Management tool:

Free vs. paid: The most expensive Employee Management software isn't always the best. Free tools can be just as effective if you're on a budget but don't want to sacrifice quality, features or usability.

Collaboration: Teamwork is important in every organization, which is why most projects require more than one person to complete them effectively. Make sure the tool you choose allows you to work seamlessly with your colleagues and share information among team members.

Web-based application: Employee Management apps can make it easier for you to stay organized and on schedule while you're away from your computer. If the software doesn't have an app that works on your preferred mobile device, it might not be worth the cost and effort to use it.

Task lists:  If you want to be profitable, you need to make sure that the tasks in your business are being completed and that they're being completed in a timely manner. No matter how small your business is, it's important to track these tasks with a Employee Management tool so that you can stay on top of your projects and have the most efficient work flow possible. Employee Management is an important part of business, especially for larger corporations. In some cases, entire departments are dedicated to the task of ensuring that each work gets done on time, within budget and with the highest quality possible.

Work reports: Tasks can be as simple as scheduling meetings or as complex as creating a new product or system. Employee Management tools help teams organize their efforts and report on progress. This article provides a comprehensive list of Employee Management tools that can help improve efficiency, productivity and collaboration in your business.

Choosing the right Employee Management tools for business

Employee Management is the process of managing any endeavor that takes more than one step, however simple, from its beginning to its end. With Employee Management tools you can be more productive and gain valuable insight into your projects. When you use a Employee Management tool, you’ll be able to effectively manage all aspects of your business. A great Employee Management tool provides an overview of every aspect of a project, from start to finish. You can see your entire work at one glance, and then drill down into specific phases or tasks whenever necessary. Every organization needs a good Employee Management tool because it helps companies organize and track progress. Employee Management software helps employees on different teams work together towards a common goal. Online Employee Management system can be used by businesses of all sizes and industries: marketing agencies, graphic design firms, and construction firms are just some examples. Employee Management is not limited to businesses only. Many non-profits and educational institutions also use it to help them organize their projects. Before choosing a tool that’s right for you and your business, evaluate all the available options carefully. Here are some things to consider when selecting a Employee Management tool:

Assess the scope of your project

Management starts at the top and works its way down. Before you begin, you need to understand the scope of the work you're working on. What do you hope to achieve? What are all the tasks involved in reaching that end goal? To avoid missing anything, use a tool like Finclock to create a to-do list or outline that you can share with team members and update as needed.

Get organized with Employee Management apps

Now that you have an outline for your project, it's time to start organizing. There are plenty of great Employee Management tools out there that allow you to create task lists and assign them to team members who can then track their progress and communicate about.


A growing number of businesses are embracing Employee Management Software as a way to streamline their processes and boost productivity. Projects help teams communicate better, define deadlines, and ultimately reach goals. And while there are plenty of options on the market today, not all include the right tools for your business. Here’s how to tell if it’s time to adopt a Employee Management system.

7 Ways to Increase Employee performance with online employee management software

An organization that understands the importance of employee productivity and efficiency can really benefit from using an online employee management software. Let’s talk about 7 ways you can improve your employee productivity through utilizing an online employee management system and what that means for you.

Online employee management system, offer a number of benefits to companies. The system can boost an employee's productivity by providing easy access to information. It also helps you organize your workforce and keep track of important information such as attendance, payroll, leave and training.

Increasing employee productivity is challenging. One of the biggest factors that affect employee productivity is their ability to access and use information in real time. If a company uses a manual or paper-based system, it can be difficult to always have the right information readily available. And, if the system doesn't provide a means for employees to communicate with one another, it can be difficult for them to share information and collaborate with each other.

Trying to increase employee productivity without online employee management software is like trying to drive a car without a steering wheel. It's nearly impossible because you won't know where you're going. Here are 7 ways a software can help increase employee productivity:

  1. Real-time access to information. There's nothing worse than having someone come into your office asking for something that you should already have. Online employee management software makes sure this doesn't happen by providing real-time access to employee data and documents. An ONLINE EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE allows employees instant access to the information they need in order to do their jobs, when they need it.
  2. The ability to work remotely. Employees often have the ability to work from home or while traveling, which makes it easier for them to balance their job with other priorities in their lives.
  3. Improved efficiency by automating processes: An HRM system automates various tasks thereby enabling users to focus on more important aspects of their job.
  4. Helps in time-management: It allows employees to use their time more efficiently due to automation of certain tasks.
  5. Improves process management: It enables users to work together on projects and processes by providing access rights accordingly.
  6. Provides decision support: With the help of the system you can improve upon your decision making process by getting real time information on organizational aspects.
  7. Reduces chances of error: Since it provides a central platform for all employees, chances of errors are minimized as all employees are working with the same set of information.
  8. Reduces paper usage: Since most of the data is available online and accessible from anywhere you can avoid paper work and go paperless while maintaining a record of all records.
  9. Reducing hiring time. When a company uses manual methods to hire employees, it takes a lot of time, effort, and money to get it done. On the other hand, when companies use the software, the process becomes streamlined. The software enables companies to build a profile of job seekers by collecting information about them from social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. This means that when a company is hiring candidates for specific positions, it doesn't take much time for employers to find ideal candidates because they have so much information about them right at their fingertips. Using applicant tracking systems (ATS) also considerably reduces time spent on hiring candidates because they allow employers to screen thousands of resumes in just one sitting and save them into databases where they can easily search through.
  • Motivating Employees. Motivation is probably one of the most important factors in determining employee productivity. In order for any employee to be fully motivated, they must feel valued and appreciated. online employee management software is a great way to show appreciation for your employees by acknowledging their work through performance appraisals, bonuses and other rewards. It also allows employers to give their employees the recognition they deserve by making sure they are being paid what they are worth with competitive benefits packages.

Can HRMS software increase employee productivity?

HRMS software is not just for the human resource department any more. HRMS software is a great employee management tool that can help you boost your company's productivity. Trying to manage your employees while also navigating the HRMS software that manages their benefits and payrolls is like trying to drive a car while working out a crossword puzzle. It's not very effective, and it's certainly not efficient. Trying to juggle everything in HRMS software can be tricky, which is why many companies are starting to invest in their own HRMS software. Online HRMS software helps you streamline the management of thousands of employees, saving you time and increasing productivity so you can focus on the real problems at hand.

HRMS software is often used by large companies with thousands of employees, but that doesn't mean that small businesses can't benefit from it as well. Smaller companies may not have the same kind of workforce, but that doesn't mean they don't have to deal with similar issues. For example, smaller companies may have fewer employees and smaller workloads than their larger counterparts, but they still need some sort of employee management software to keep track of who is doing what and when they're supposed to do it. HRMS software gives employers access to powerful tools to improve performance.

With the help of human resource management software, organizations are able to make more informed decisions about their workforce. In fact, there is more to HRMS than merely managing the activities of employees and their careers. Human Resources Management Software not only helps in recruitment and other HR tasks but also has many other functions that range from employee attendance tracking to providing instant updates on the organization's managerial hierarchy.

Tailored for different industries, this software can be used by anyone from CEOs to CFOs and CTOs, who rely on its smooth functioning to further organize their working hours. In other words, with HRMS software in place, you can optimize your human resources. The question is: what kind of HRMS software should you choose?

Productivity is a very important factor in the growth of any organization. It is the measurement of ratio between input and output. With this, it is necessary that this ratio should be more than 1. The larger it will be the better will be the productivity of an organization. There are various factors that contribute to the productivity within an organization. These factors include:

  1. The right management system
  2. A supportive environment
  3. Appropriate infrastructure and technology
  4. At right time adoptions
  5. High employee motivation and morale

Human resources (HR) management systems are not new inventions. They have been around for some time now and continue to evolve in order to match the needs of HR professionals and to keep up with the latest developments in the field. The most recent advancement has been the HRMS or Human Resources Management System. Here are seven ways how this will increase your employees' productivity.

HRMS is the core software used to manage the HR activities of an organization. It enables users to automate various tasks like payroll, leave management, talent acquisition, employee records and many more. However, it is not a simple or straightforward process to find an HRMS solution that meets all your needs.

Trying to choose the right HRMS software can be overwhelming. To help you make a more informed decision we have provided a comparison of the two most popular Online HRMS on the market today, ADP Workforce Now and SAP Success Factors Employee Central (formerly SAP Human Capital Management).

The comparison takes a look at both platforms from the perspective of product features and industry standards in order to give you an idea of what each one can offer your business; we also compare pricing plans so you can determine which option is best for your company's budget. We know that making a decision on which HRMS product is right for you isn't easy. That's why we've put together this side-by-side comparison so you can choose the solution that best fits your specific needs.

Today, with the advanced technology, there are a lot of employee-related functions that can be done online. For example, it is possible for an employer to speed up the recruitment process by using applicant tracking software. This type of software helps employers to find the best candidate for the job and save a lot of time and effort in the process.

The same is true for HRMS software. In fact, HR management software can be used by employers to accomplish numerous tasks that would otherwise take a lot of time and energy to do manually. These tasks include:

Recruitment and hiring

HRMS software can help recruiters find the best candidates for open positions within their organization faster and more efficiently than if they were doing so manually. It also helps managers to better organize their talent acquisition efforts by keeping track of the most effective recruiting channels and tools.

Performance management

Performance management software makes it easier for managers to keep track of employee performance and conduct timely reviews. It also helps them provide better feedback to employees since they will have access to all relevant information regarding employee performance at any given time.

HR analytics

With data analytics tools built into HRMS software, employers can gain a deeper understanding of how their employees work, where they excel and where they need development.

Tips For Improving Staff Productivity with HRMS

HRMS (human resource management system) is an extremely useful business solution that helps streamline some of an HR manager's most important tasks. For example, HRMS solutions can help with recruitment and employee onboarding by providing a convenient way to store and access candidates' information. They can also be used to handle day-to-day tasks such as payroll, benefits administration and performance reviews.

Productivity is a measure of output to input. A ratio greater than 1 is ideal. The larger the ratio, the more effective the employee. Also consider the location where you start your business. A choice between basic capital, human resources and other factors. The book “the hidden wealth of nations” describes ways of developing productivity and how to effectively convert low productivity countries into high productivity ones.

An HRMS Software is a solution that helps the organizations to manage their Human Resource activities. It contains various modules that are necessary for various activities and functions performed in any organization.

To get the best HRMS Software, it is necessary to check out its features and functionality. One of the main benefits of using an HRMS Software is that it enhances the productivity of an organization. It provides the employees with easy access to all the records of employees. It makes their work easy and effective. It also facilitates them in performing tasks more quickly. For example, if an employee wants to enter some data into their system, then he can do it easily without going through any hassle as everything will be right at his fingertips by using this software.

People who use this software find it very useful as they are aware of what every employee is doing in their organization. They are aware whether they are working or they are absent from work. This software provides employers with a great deal of control over their employees, which most often increases the overall productivity of an organization.

The HRMS mainly comprises of three modules:

Recruitment module: The modules are used for the purpose of simplifying various tasks related to recruitment and employee hiring. It also helps in improving the overall efficiency of the recruitment process.

Onboarding module: This module works primarily towards making the orientation and induction of new employees easy and quick. It also facilitates easy access to employees' details from one centralized location.

Work Management. Human resource management system allows businesses to track information about their employees and to keep a record of all of the important details that they need to know such as their employment history. This makes it very easy for businesses to keep track of all of their employees, and this is something that helps them to run more effectively. It will also make it easier for the business to ensure that they are providing a good level of service to their customers.

Performance management. A Performance management module helps in tracking employees' performance throughout the year. This makes it easier for employers to get an idea about how well their employees are performing, thereby helping them to improve their overall performance and make necessary changes where required.

Benefits of using Online HRMS in a business

Human Resource Management System is a computer software that helps in managing the Human Resource of any organization. It includes Recruitment, Employee Self Service, Attendance, Time Management, Training and Development, Payroll and many other functions which helps an organization to keep a track of their employees.

In today's competitive world it is mandatory for an organization to follow certain rules and regulations to avoid unnecessary issues. These systems are very helpful for the organizations to maintain a proper record of their employees by using them they can maintain a good relationship with their workers.

The HRMS system provides easy access to the records and data available on the HRMS application through internet which makes it easy for employers to manage the recruitment process quickly without any hassle. The employee self-service module enables the employees to manage their personal details of the organization like leave management, attendance register, leave requests, salary details etc. The system allows the employers to keep a track of all the attendance details through SMS alerts and email messages sent by the personnel administration department. HRMS also helps in keeping a track of various training programs conducted by the organization through an effective training database provided by these systems. The system also helps in managing time sheets and payrolls for each employee. The system also enables managers in conducting effective performance reviews.

HRMS are expensive and on the other hand, there are many free HRMS to use. What should you do? If you set the priority on cost effectiveness, then the decision is obvious. But in case you want to consider other factors, here are some benefits of using a cloud based HRMS:


The user interface of an online platform should be simple enough to handle the needs of a small business, but can be easily scaled up if the business grows. HRMS applications allow businesses to hire employees quickly and efficiently. An HRMS software can also help with employee training and development by providing courses and modules to boost skillsets.

Reduce operation costs

Cloud based HRMS also reduces cost for businesses since maintenance costs are lessened since there is no need for in-house programmers or system engineers. The cost savings can be passed on to clients since HRMS platforms allow companies to provide more competitive pricing for their services.

It also enables businesses to monitor their workforce in real time so they will know when employees go on leave or have issues regarding payroll.

Improved employee engagement

Business owners have the chance to dramatically improve the way they engage with their employees by using an HRMS platform that allows them to effectively communicate with their staff, improving efficiency and productivity while fostering a better work environment within

Ease of use

An HRMS solution is often web-based, making it easy for managers and employees alike to access this valuable information whenever they need it. The system is also designed to make relevant data easily accessible, which saves time and helps ensure that all employees receive the attention they deserve when handling their benefits or payroll issues.

Improvement in communication

As with any business process, the better you are able to communicate with employees, the more likely you are to achieve your goals. In other words, if your company's HR processes are not well communicated, chances are good that they won't be followed correctly or consistently. When you are recruiting the best talent for your business, improving employee productivity is something you will want to keep in mind. You can do this by implementing all of the following HRMS for businesses.


One of the main reasons for employee performance being low is due to lack of motivation. Now, what is motivation? Motivation is the force that causes you to do something. It's a combination of your attitude and beliefs. It is your desire to get something done and go the extra mile. Motivation can be divided into two types:

Intrinsic motivation occurs when people are internally motivated to do something. This means that they are motivated to do things because of the activity itself rather than in expectation of some kind of reward or benefit.

Intrinsic motivation comes from within us and our feelings about doing something. For example, if you love designing web pages, then you will naturally want to do more of it and enjoy it more than you would if someone forced you to design web pages every day.

Extrinsic motivation occurs when people are motivated by external factors such as money, grades or other forms of reward or recognition. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of us, so it is based on things like what we get paid or what our boss thinks off us.

Extrinsic rewards are effective in getting people to perform simple tasks and follow set procedures but they often fail at motivating creative or problem-solving.

Workforce planning

With the help of Software, you can plan your workforce in accordance with the requirements and tasks that have been assigned to each employee. This not only increases productivity but also reduces costs as well as the effort needed for such planning. Recruitment: This system allows you to recruit right people into your organization. It helps in tracking candidates who are either applying for a job or are already working for your company, enabling you to better evaluate them as well as plan their future

How to use Online employee management software to Increase Employee Productivity

Online Employee Management Software  is a software program that helps companies with their human resources needs. Companies use HRMS for managing and recruiting employees, payroll and benefits, time management and scheduling, job performance evaluation, and succession planning among other things. The advantage of using an HRMS is that it automates many tasks and processes that would otherwise need to be handled manually.

By measuring the difference between what is produced and what is consumed, productivity results. Large numbers of increased production in narrow time periods are ideal. According to Harvard Business review, "Higher labor productivity means more output per hour worked, which also means increased real wages, and therefore increased standards of living." We're sure you’re not. Eagerly awaiting more of your hard accomplished labor.

When employees are not performing well at work, it is not always the fault of the employee. You also have to consider that the working environment might not be conducive for them to do their jobs, and therefore, you need to make some changes.

What can you do? Are your employees working in the wrong positions? Are their skills obsolete? Are they stuck in dead end jobs? Have they been with the company for a long time but are no longer motivated? Having a productive workforce is essential for any business. When employees are not working at their best, it can be detrimental to your company's success. Treating your employees fairly, offering competitive benefits and fostering a positive work environment will help you retain the best talent. Here are some ways you can improve employee performance and productivity using Online employee management system Set clear expectations

It is important to let your employees know what is expected of them. If they know what is required of them, they are more likely to perform well. Be specific about duties, deadlines and outcomes so that everyone knows their roles in the company.

Communicate regularly with employees

Communication with employees is vital to keeping them happy and efficient. Make sure that all members of your staff are on the same page when it comes to how things are done in the office. You should also check in with your employees regularly to make sure they understand their roles and responsibilities within the company or department.

Make time for feedback sessions

Giving constructive feedback is one of the most important parts of managing your staff. Constructive criticism gives employees the tools they need to succeed by helping them identify areas where they need improvement and reinforcing what they do well. This kind of feedback also boosts morale because it helps create a sense of equal treatment among your workers.

Enforce Accountability

If you have expectations for your employees, make sure they are enforced. If you do not enforce your goals, or if you change them frequently, your employees will see this as a lack of leadership and will not perform to their full potential.

Provide Leadership

Leadership is the key to developing an effective team. A good leader will provide an example for her subordinates by working hard and demonstrating hard work to her employees. Good leaders also put effort into hiring and retaining only the best of the best, instead of lowering standards so that everyone can be hired. This way, your business will be staffed with highly qualified individuals who will give it their all.

Remove Obstacles

Obstacles in the workplace are very common; some are easily visible while others are more subtle and hidden. Remove these obstacles by making sure that your company culture allows employees to thrive in their jobs. For example, minimize distractions such as loud co-workers or frequent phone calls.

Many companies face the challenge of how to increase productivity and employee performance. Aside from implementing new company policies or providing necessary training and education, there are two other ways you can help employees be more productive at work: 1) Make them feel valued; and 2) Give them a sense of purpose.

Reward high performing employees

Rewarding employees for their performance is perhaps the easiest way to increase their productivity. Depending on your type of business, you can offer a monetary reward, such as a bonus or commission, a reward that benefits the employee personally, such as a health care spending account, or a reward that is both personal and professional, such as membership in an organization for professional growth. Monetary rewards are more suitable for short-term incentive plans. Some organizations also use nonmonetary rewards such as public recognition and special privileges. These rewards may not cost much but can have great value to employees. For example, you could hold an awards ceremony to recognize top performers each quarter or give top salespeople private use of a corporate car. In addition to rewarding employees for their performance, it is important to give them a sense of purpose. It's not enough to just tell them what they need to do; they need to know why they need to do it.


The main reason why software can increase employee productivity is that it will limit human errors. When there are software in place, the power of automation and accuracy of data is guaranteed. Furthermore, it allows the employees to focus on doing more important tasks such as creative thinking and boost innovation.

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