Does your business need Employee management software?

A good organization is good at making money. How well it manages that is a measure of how good it is. But how do you measure that? How do you know if you're making enough? How do you know if you're spending too much? How do you know if you're getting it right? In the age of computers, a lot of the answers should be at your fingertips. Consider, for example, the three most basic measures of a business: how much it makes, how much it spends, and what it pays in taxes. How much it spends is relatively easy to measure directly. Your bank will do it for you. But how much it pays in taxes is trickier. You can't just look at your profit and loss statement. Most companies don't report their tax payments separately from their other expenses. Instead, they total their profits and losses, then add back their expenses, and divide by 12 to get the effective tax rate. By that measure, Microsoft had an effective tax rate of 26 percent in 2009. That doesn't sound high, until you remember that Microsoft was the biggest company in the world. Apple's tax rate was 23 percent, and Google's 25 percent. But it's hard to tell where that effective tax rate came from. You have to look at things on the balance sheet and income statement. What's on the balance sheet? Everything the company owns and everything the company owes. What's on the income statement? Everything the company makes or spends. But there's a problem. Everything on the balance sheet is money. And everything on the income statement is stuff. The two rarely match up. For example, if the company buys a building and leases it out, the building is on the balance sheet, but the rent is an expense on the income statement. Similarly, if the company

The best online employee management system is a web-based employee schedule software, also called employee scheduling software. It simplifies the process of managing, organizing and scheduling your employees. An efficient employee schedule software makes it easier to control your business' schedule and employee time. It helps you manage all your work employees in one place, including employees, their shifts and schedules, and work orders. This is not only convenient for employers but also for their workers. It helps employees manage their schedules, and gives them access to their work schedules, shift history, work orders, and shift swaps. They can even log their hours or work hours anytime or from anywhere. All their records are stored securely, so employers don't need to worry about unauthorized access. Besides, an online employee management system allows you to track productivity, attendance, absenteeism, hours worked, and payroll. You can even set rules and alerts to keep tabs on your employee's attendance, productivity, and overtime. With an online employee management system, you can also manage your employees' payroll. It easily and quickly generates and prints pay stubs, and calculates payroll for each employee. Your employees can even request time off manually, so you don't need to process it manually. Online employee management system also helps you manage employee records easily. You can store employee information like personal information, emergency information, medical information, and licenses. You can also store personal files like passports, ID cards, and work permits. And you can store employee documents like resumes, letters, and emails. The online employee management system also allows you to set notifications for events. For example, you can set it up so that your employees get

What makes a business successful?

What makes a business successful?

Business managers determine its success

Business success doesn't depend on luck. No, but it can happen to you. If you asked successful businesspeople what made them successful, they are likely to tell you, "I worked hard." In fact, hard work is as good a place to start as any.

But hard work is not enough. You have to put in the right kind of work. And you have to know how to work. Hard work and intelligence are closely related. If you get smarter, you will get better. But only if you are able to work on the right things.

The skill of working on the right things is the art of managing yourself, and the art of managing yourself is the art of knowing yourself. First, the facts about yourself. What are you good at? What are you bad at? How do you respond when you are under pressure? What is the worst you can do?

Then, the fictions about yourself. What image of yourself do you want the world to see? What image do you really want to see yourself? The two are not the same. The world sees your business success as a reflection of your talent. But your talent is a reflection of your self-knowledge.

Richard Feynman, for example, was brilliant. But he was a quirky guy, and people thought him a little crazy. But he learned to love his art. He was proud of his quirky character, and he shared it with the world. He did not take himself too seriously. He didn't take his successes too seriously. He worked hard, yes, but he knew how to work hard.

And, most important, he worked on the right thing. He enjoyed physics. But he understood physics as part of a larger picture. His understanding of physics led him to work on the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and he discovered the Feynman diagrams.

His success was a reflection of his self-knowledge,

Which technology does the business use?

A lot of companies now use online employee management system to track how employees are doing. Often these systems are web-based, and they provide a variety of features. You can track when employees start and end shifts, and how long shifts take. You can track when employees take breaks, and how long they spend at different tasks. You can even track the locations where employees work, and how often they travel.

But there's another aspect to employee management systems that most companies don't mention. If you track an employee's locations, you can track her movements. If you track her tasks, you can track how she spends her time. If you track her breaks, you can track when she goes out, how often she goes out, and where she goes. If you track her travels, you can track where she likes to go, and how often she gets there.

You can track all of this because the information is recorded electronically. People don't keep track of all this on paper anymore. And by tracking all this, you can predict when employees are going to be busy, and busy places, and when there's lots of extra demand, and when there's low demand.

Employers can use employee management systems to predict all sorts of things. Because employees don't keep records on paper, there is no "surprise" factor. When employees don't keep records, you don't know what they are going to tell you, and you can't make plans around them. Electronic employee management systems make this level of control possible. They allow businesses to plan ahead, and to forecast demand. If demand is low, you can contract out work. If demand is high, you can recruit and train new employees.

That's one reason companies are now using online employee management system for businesses

Are the employees satisfied?

Organizational success is closely tied to employee satisfaction. A happy workforce leads to better productivity, higher employee retention, higher profits, and an overall better working environment.

Employee satisfaction, however, can be a difficult thing to measure. What is an employee's happiness, anyway? When an employee is unhappy, is he unhappy at his job, with his company, with his co-workers, or with his boss? One way to measure employee satisfaction is to ask, "What's it like to work here?" This poll is usually biased - employees tend to give answers that make them look good. But you may get some useful information.

Another way to get clearer answers is to ask employees how they feel about the job. A clear majority of people say that feeling good about their job is important for their happiness. So it's important to know how they feel. One approach is to ask employees to rate their feelings on a scale of 1 to 10. But employees don't always rate their feelings that way. They may tell you they are happy. But they may tell you they are miserable, too.

A better way to measure happiness is to ask, "How would you rate your happiness at work on a scale of 1 to 10?" This way, employees answer in a way that makes sense to them. They can tell you how they feel. Employees also like to talk to other people about their happiness. Sometimes, they talk to their co-workers, and sometimes they talk to their boss. But often they talk to their friends.

To measure employee happiness, you can ask employees to rate their happiness on a 1 to 10 scale, or you can ask employees to rate their happiness on a scale of 1 to 10.

Team work is key to business success

Business success is a serious business. It requires discipline, strategy, and relentless execution.

It also requires teamwork. To succeed, you must surround yourself with brilliant people. But, paradoxically, brilliant people are often willy-nilly. They get bored doing the same thing over and over, and tend to find each other. They end up talking in each other's offices, and before long, the office is crowded with people you know nothing about. Worse, the people you know nothing about often know a lot about your business. And they are always eager to prove their brilliance. So, what you thought was a team is, in fact, a motley collection of brilliant people, each with his own agenda.

And without discipline, strategy, and relentless execution, your business is going to be a tough act to follow. Workers are often a problem. They rarely work as a team, and often have conflicting priorities. They're also often absent-minded. Workers are also contagious. Their ideas can infect co-workers, who end up seeing problems in new ways and changing the way they do things. Then, every decision they make is shaped by that new perspective, not yours, and things get messy fast.

But online employee management system for companies can solve this problem. They allow you to assign tasks to workers, and track progress, at whatever level of detail you like. Employee management software also gives you total control over what workers can see and do, and when.

You can set up your system, and then forget about it. It doesn't make any decisions for you. It's there, ready to track progress, and alert you if anything goes wrong. And, unlike workers, it is never absent-minded.

Employees make businesses successful

Employees determine business success

Business success can be really tough. Finding the right employees for the right job, managing them effectively, and keeping them happy all add up to a much longer and more difficult process than you might first imagine.

Online employee management software, in particular, can make a huge difference to the way you run your business. With it, you'll not only be able to keep track of employee information, but you will be able to do so much more. For example, online employee management software allows you to assign people to jobs, track their time, and set their pay. You can also review their information, check their history, and, perhaps most importantly, reward and discipline them.

Online employee management software is not just for tracking employees, though. You can keep track of customer history, manage your inventory, and create and send emails. All of these features make online employee management software much easier to use, which saves you time, money, and effort. And, of course, it makes your business run more smoothly, which also helps to save time, money, and effort.

Can online employee management system help a business to succeed?

Using online employee management system allows you to achieve all this and more.

Using online employee management system for businesses, you can:

  1. Measure the overall performance of your business
  2. Track all metrics related to your customers
  3. Know how many customers bought your product
  4. Know how many customers abandoned their order
  5. Know how many customers tried a product but didn’t buy it
  6. Know how many customers ordered products but didn’t complete their order
  7. Know how many customers viewed your advertisement but didn’t buy it
  8. Know how many customers visited your website but didn’t order anything

What else makes a business successful?

Business success relies on many things. You could start with knowing your customer. However, the Internet has changed the way we do business. It has become easier to know everything about your customers. Now, it’s even easier to know what your competitors are doing. This is why it’s more important than ever to keep tabs on your business. If you run an online business, you need to track important metrics, such as:

  1. Your average sales per day
  2. How long it takes to make an order
  3. How much revenue you have gained after a certain period of time
  4. The number of customers who left your website
  5. How many orders you processed
  6. How many customers visited your website but did not make a purchase
  7. How many customers created an account on your website
  8. How many clicks your website received per day
  9. How many leads you generated
  10. How many emails you sent each month
  11. How many customers abandoned their order?
  12. How many customers clicked on your advertisements?
  13. How many customers visited your website but didn’t make a purchase
  14. How many customers browse your website but didn’t make a purchase
  15. How many customers completed their profile?
  16. You probably didn’t know that customers do the same things on all popular websites.

Why are your projects late?


  1. Project management is the art of saying no to things that don't matter. That's the fundamental dilemma of project management. You are asked to say yes to something that might or might not happen, and if it doesn't, you are responsible.
  2. There are three big challenges in managing a project. The first is how to organize work. The second is how to organize people. And the third is how to avoid conflicts.

Initiate, execute and complete projects on time

If you take a class on project management, the instructor will probably tell you that there are three phases of project development: the Initiation, the Execution, and the Closure. The Initiation is when you figure out what you are trying to accomplish and who is going to do it. In the Execution phase you divide the project up into tasks and appoint people to do these. When you are done with the Execution phase, you have your working product, and you can move on to the Closure phase, where you evaluate what you've done and decide what to do next.

But most projects don't follow these rules.

Project management is a lot of things, but above all it is important. If you are a person who gets things done, project management is how you can work. If you consider a project to be a special case, as most people do, then the most important project management skill is managing expectations. Every project needs an initiation phase, but people rarely bother to talk about that. They don't think it's important to set expectations until the project is already in trouble.

This failure to talk about expectations is the root of a lot of project problems. The Initiation phase is when you figure out what you are trying to accomplish and who is going to do it. In other words, it is when you set expectations.

When people talk about setting expectations, though, they don't usually mean setting expectations for the people who work on the project. They usually mean setting expectations for people who can't actually see the project. Setting expectations for the people who are going to take your money is an obvious problem, but it is hardly the only one.

For example, you often set expectations for the people who are going to get the product at the end of the project, but don't set any for other people. For example, many people don't tell you up front that the project will take much longer than they thought.

If you don't set expectations up front, the project is likely to take longer than you expect

Choose project management teams

Let me start with the second point.

The most straightforward way to organize people is by function, using job titles, and by giving them different responsibilities. But suppose that you want to hire an assistant. The manager has to decide:

Which job title should we give the person?

What responsibilities should be assigned to that person?

And how do we decide who should be in charge of a particular project?

If you give the person a job title, you will violate the basic principle of functional organization: people should be interchangeable. You can't put the person in charge of a project, and then just swap him or her out for someone else.

The best alternative is to assign people responsibilities. That way you can swap people in and out of a project, and substitute other people for whoever happens to be in charge.

But what about conflicts?

If you don't address conflicts, they will tear your project apart.

Here is a simple way to handle conflicts:

The project leader is in charge.

The project leader has to decide who is in charge of each part of the project.

The project leader can only change the project leader.

How does this conflict-resolution method work in practice?

Suppose you are the project leader, and there are two people who want to be in charge of a particular part.

Project leader: "Who do you want to be responsible for this part of the project?"

First person: "I am."

Second person: "No, you are."

Project leader: "Who do you want to delegate this part to?"

First person: "Me."

Second person: "No,

Estimating correctly is key to project success

The relationship between cost and time is very important. If you have to do a project with a tight budget, you have to find out how to do it as cheaply as possible. Then you can plan how long it will take you.

This takes some intelligence. If you try to do a project on a budget, you have to learn to estimate. You have to notice that certain expensive things have to be done early. You have to learn to estimate how much it will cost to do them, not the total amount of money you will have to spend, but how much it will cost to do them. But estimating is harder than it looks. Part of the problem is that many people believe that if you have to do something, you should do it right. If, for example, you have to build an airplane, you should build it the way a Boeing engineer built it.

There's nothing wrong with building an airplane the way the Boeing engineers did. But it doesn't save you money. It makes it cost more. If you want to do something cheaper, you have to learn to do things the way other people do them, then figure out how to do it better.

The way we measure the value of a scientific project is really the way any simple project is measured: by the amount it accomplishes. Money is an obvious way of measuring accomplishment. But there are two problems with money: (a) it's practical; (b) it encourages perverse behavior.

If you spend too much time on planning, you will end up spending too little time on the project. On the other hand, if you concentrate on the project to the exclusion of everything else, you will spend far too much time on it. Even before I started writing this, 40 minutes were already gone and I had not started. What I really needed was to stop writing, and do something else. I spent the next hour making a list of all the things I needed to do. These weren't all things I had committed to, just things I thought would be useful. But having the list made me stop and think. I ended up spending only about 15 minutes writing. The rest of the time was spent on things that seemed worth thinking about, like the next line, or the next paragraph. This experience taught me that planning is an important activity. But it isn't the only thing that is important.

Use online project Management software for businesses

Digital project management tools (though they may not call themselves this) are software packages that let online teams communicate and track progress. They are used to manage any project, but most popular for software development, software development by Web standards, Web development projects, and software projects for intranets.

Many project management software packages are Web-based. You can use them from anywhere. Others let you use a local copy of the software, giving you more control over security and administrative issues. Some project management software packages let you manage projects through e-mail, while others provide an integrated interface to e-mail and IM. Project management software packages provide a number of features. Some are project management tools, some are collaboration tools, and some manage customer relationships.

In this article, we'll look at online project management software tools that may help you complete projects on budget.

Project management: Project management is an organizational tool. It helps groups coordinate and manage projects, from planning to development to deployment. Project management software does some of the project management work. For example, it lets project managers keep track of all tasks, assign tasks to team members, monitor progress, and report on progress.

Project management mainly addresses three issues. The first is resource management. Project management software helps organize the division of labor and keep track of who is doing what and when. The second issue is knowledge management. Project management software often has tools to record what is known about a project. This provides a central place for project managers to store and share information about a project. The third issue is information management. As projects progress, project managers need to keep track of a lot of information. Project management software often has tools to manage this information. For example, project management software often has calendar tools, such as the Gantt chart, that display

How to complete projects on time and within budget


In order to deliver projects on time, a good project manager needs three things:

  1. Good software.
  2. A clear plan.
  3. A reliable delivery chain.

How can managers complete projects on time?

A project can be considered an accumulation of several tasks, and any task can be broken down into subtasks. Each subtask has an estimated duration, and this duration can be used to calculate the total duration of the project. If a project has subtasks, then estimating the total duration is a lot easier. But what happens if a subtask takes longer than expected?

The approach most project managers use is to estimate the duration of the project as a whole, and add the duration of each subtask. This makes total duration look shorter, and it gives project managers a false sense of security. But total duration is the total of all durations. So if a project has subtasks, the total duration includes both the durations of the subtasks and the total duration of the project as a whole. Estimating the total duration this way is misleading.

A better approach is to estimate the duration of the project as a whole, and then add a buffer to the total duration. This is easier than it sounds: any task can be broken down into subtasks, and estimating the duration of a subtask is done in just the same way. The buffer is the difference between the total duration and the sum of the durations of the subtasks. The buffer gives a more accurate picture, and it gives managers a chance to make adjustments, if necessary, either to the durations of the subtasks or to the project as a whole.

But a buffer is only useful if the buffer is big enough. A buffer of 30% gives managers time to react to problems, but a buffer of only 5% is pointless. What managers need is an estimate of the total duration of the project but also an estimate of the probability that the project will be late. This probability can be calculated by counting the number of tasks that need to be finished earlier than expected, and dividing that number.

A Perfect project

Some projects take forever. You spend years putting in the effort, and at the end, when you think you've completed the work, you discover there is a pile of defects. This isn't necessarily because the project was stupid. If everything had gone well, there might have been no defects. But something went wrong, and defects piled up.

How do you know what went wrong? Maybe the development team wasn't large enough. Maybe the work was split up among too many teams. Maybe the project manager didn't allocate enough resources. Maybe the requirements were wrong. Unfortunately, the only way to find the answer is to look at the project. You can't ask someone else, "Did you allocate sufficient resources?" You have to find out for yourself by inspecting the project.

The kind of project we are talking about here is called a "perfect" project. A perfect project is one that has to be finished on a fixed schedule. For example, a university may want a building to be finished by a certain date. Or if a company has a contract with a customer, and the customer wants the product to be completed on a fixed date, that's a perfect project.

In either case, if the project is perfect, there is a fixed schedule for completion. And a perfect project can't tolerate defects. Defects are expensive. So the question is, how do you deliver projects on time? The perfect approach has two aims. First, you identify the major risks that are associated with the project. Then you manage those risks so you can deliver the project on time. The perfect approach is sometimes called "risk-based planning."

How can Finclock Help?

The problem with project management is that it is hard. The project management software industry says this explicitly: "The most common project management problem is finding the time to do all of the tasks." The industry then sells software that helps, but it turns out that once you start using it, the tasks still pile up.

Finclock online project management software for businesses removes that pileup. It turns every employee into a project manager. Employees can sign up as project managers, and whenever anyone wants to make a change, they get assigned to that project. The project manager then assigns tasks to people and tells them when changes are due. The project managers can see a list of outstanding tasks, and as employees complete them, they can move that task to the top of the list. Finclock bills itself as a helpful, easy way to manage projects, and it does that well. But it's also an excellent example of how software can turn hard problems into easy ones.

The problem with project management is that you can't (or don't want to) do it yourself. Finclock turns that into an advantage. The software does all the work, so you don't have to. And by avoiding the step of training employees to use the software, it saves you the effort of training them in the first place.

Here's how it works. First, you sign up as a project manager. Then you add projects and tasks. Each project has a name, an owner, a description, and start date. Each task is a description, a due date, and an assignee. Next, you add employees. Each employee can sign up for their own projects, and when they want to complete a task, they click a button that says "Add to Finclock." Finclock remembers who has done what, and when.

Try Finclock (Free)

Why FInclock?

The term "project management" is as vague as "business management." So is "project management software." The best-known, Microsoft's Project, is hampered by overambition. It is too general. Based on Microsoft's experience making Windows, Microsoft thought that all businesses must be managed like Microsoft itself, which spends months or even years putting new features into the product before it even tries to market it.

The idea behind finclock is to link the moving parts of a project (people, tasks, documents, meetings) to a clock. A clock shows what time it is. A clock tells you when things happen.

The clock metaphor is natural. Human resources managers have long used time clocks to keep track of employees' hours. But far more interesting to Dixon and Patzer were time clocks in factories and mines. The clock was a way of keeping two things aligned: the workers and the machine. The clock showed when the workers had to stop, and when the machine had to stop. The clock made efficiency possible.

In the same way, finclock links people, tasks, and customer needs

Let customers be satisfied

It's hard to deliver a project on time, and even harder to deliver it in a way that has minimal impact on others. But it's very hard to do it in a way that satisfies the customer — at least, the one who has the money. The problem's very simple. You need to deliver something. But the customer wants you to deliver it in a way they think is best. And the only way you can do that is by consulting them.

And that's the rub. The customer has the money. The customer has the final say. The customer has the power to say no. The customer is in charge. So how do you know what you want to say is right? How do you know what the customer wants? How do you know you're listening?

In software, its easy. The customer is you. You set the goal for the project, you manage the process, and you ask all the right questions. But in the real world, the customer is someone else, and the customer may be your boss. And your boss may want you to deliver the project in a way that pleases her, not right.  And of course, while the customer has the power to say no, the customer doesn't always have the final say. The customer's boss has the power to say no, too. And the boss's boss, and so on.

So even though the customer has the final say, the customer isn't always the boss. So how do you balance the interests of the customer with those of your boss? And when the customer is not the boss, how do you balance the interests of the customer with those of the customer's boss?

Try Finclock (Free)

Advise on project tracking software for small teams

Think of the big projects you have at work. Sometimes they're simple: "make a new spreadsheet," or "write a report on trends in usage." Sometimes they are simple and serious: "build a new application," or "put together a strategic plan." More often, they're complex. They're hard to figure out, you have to know a lot of people, and there are so many moving parts that it's hard to tell when you've done something. Project tracking software is supposed to help. Often, it does. But sometimes it doesn't. Over the last few months, I've been testing different pieces of software. The software I use for my own business, Finclock, is based on a few simple ideas. First, software should let you keep track of what you did and when. Second, you should be able to assign tasks and track status. Third, you should be able to see exactly how things fit together, to see the big picture.

Read this conversation and make the right decision

Last week I got a phone call from a co-worker. She was having trouble getting her team to add more tasks to a project we were working on. "Why don't we use finclock?" she said. "It's online project management software." "We don't use online project management software," I said. "So what?" she said. "Why not?" I gave her what I thought was a reasonable explanation for our resistance to using software. "It's so impersonal. I hate the idea of entering my time on the computer." "But won't that save me time?" "Yeah, sure. But how much time?" "Well," I said, "I have to enter each task manually. If you put something on my calendar, I might forget about it. And when I come back, I'll forget why I put something on my calendar." "But finclock is online. It will remind me." "That might not happen," I said. "The email might go into spam. Or perhaps I won't check it. And when I don't check it, the next time I have a meeting, I'll forget why it came up." "So what?" she said. "Why not?" "I hate the idea of entering my time on the computer," I said. "I hate the idea of entering anything on the computer." "But finclock is online. That will remind me." "That might not happen," I said. "I might delete the message. Or perhaps I won't check it. And when I don't check it, the next time I have a meeting, I'll forget why it came up." "So what?" she said.

Project tracking software for businesses

Finclock is a project tracking software for businesses. It is particularly good at tracking projects that involve multiple people. It facilitates the sharing of information, and lets you track your project at a glance. The program automatically tracks time, so you don't need to enter anything. You can set it to run in the background, and then just log in and see your hour-by-hour progress. You can also set up reports so you can see how you are doing.

When do you need a project tracking software in your business?

I'd been using spreadsheets to track our team's work, but they kept growing. And then one day, looking at a spreadsheet, I realized that every cell had data in it. And that was it. Spreadsheets are nice for keeping track of data, but useless for keeping track of people. So I set out to build a better tool. Here's how it works. Finclock is a project tracking software for businesses. What that means is that you can use Finclock to keep track of the work your team spends on each project. What do you need to do time tracking? You need a way to track the time your team spends on each project. Finclock gives you two ways to do that. Finclock main window shows you which projects your team is currently working. Each project, in turn, has a list of tasks, which you can think of as things that your team has to do that are part of that project. You can click on each project's task list, and a window will pop up showing how much time your team has spent on each project so far. There is a second way to keep track of time: you can manually add tasks to a project. This is handy if your team is working on several projects at the same time, and you want to keep track of the time they spend on each. Go to your project list, click on the project you want to edit, and on the appropriate task list you will see a "plus" button. Click that, and a window will pop up showing a blank task form. Fill in the details, and click OK. Now the task is added to your project. You can now see how much time your team has spent on it. Finclock has some other useful features. For example, if your project is very large, it will show a list of subtasks. Click one, and a window will pop up showing the task that your team is working on. You can see each team member's total time, and the total of the team member's time. You can also do other things with Finclock. For example, you can export your hours or minutes to a file, which you can import into a spreadsheet or a database. Finclock is free for 30 days.

try Finclock now (Free)

Why you need project tracking software for businesses

In the past, keeping track of projects was pretty simple. You just wrote them down in a notebook. Then people started using computers, and things got a little more complicated. You could create a spreadsheet to keep track of the projects, but spreadsheets are too complicated for most people to use, especially when dealing with hundreds of projects. There are now lots of software systems for managing projects. The ones that work well for one person are too complicated for a whole company to use. So, Finclock is simpler, easier to use, and less expensive than anything else out there. Finclock is web-based. That means it works on any computer and on any platform.

The users of Finclock are businesses, not software companies. So, Finclock has no marketing budgets, no salespeople, no servers, no data centers. There are no annual maintenance fees, no upgrade fees, no support fees. And Finclock doesn't sell advertising.

It works by letting companies set up their own projects, and tracking them on their own schedules. Companies can decide who can see which projects, and assign different levels of permission to different people. Nobody has to worry about which revision is the latest, or which documents have been uploaded. Finclock takes care of that. Finclock can be as simple to use as a spreadsheet, or as complex as a networked database. It's like having a project manager and an accountant working from the same desk, without either of them having to be good at the other.

Finclock is affordable and offers you a chance to try for 30 days before spending your investment.

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How we built a project tracking software for businesses

The project tracking software that companies use to track the progress of work on their projects is called "project management software," and is itself usually called "PM software." PM software has three parts. First, there is the project database, which keeps track of everything that needs to be done. Second, there is a "project tracker," or "project scheduler," which keeps track of the assignments of tasks to different people. Third, there is the project status report, which tells you, for a task, what everyone assigned to it is currently working on. Project management software is not generally used to keep track of what everyone is doing. People tend to use e-mail for that, and it seems to work well enough. PM software is generally used to keep track of what happens when someone is told to do something. If a project has 10 tasks and 10 people, PM software keeps track of the total amount of work that needs to be done. It also keeps track of the total amount of work that each person has done, and the total amount of work that each person is expected to do. Project tracking software for businesses sometimes stores the total amount of work actually done by people, but more often it just subtracts the expected amount from the actual amount. For example, if Joe has 5 hours of work to do, the software subtracts 5 hours from the 10 hours he has to do. If the software sees that he has done 4 hours, it subtracts 4 hours from 10 hours, and adds another 4 hours. PM software has lots of fancy ways of calculating this. For example, if two people each have a 50% chance of finishing their work on time, the software will assign each person a 50% chance of finishing on time. If there is no chance

web-based project management software application for business

Finclock is a web-based project management software application, specially designed for small teams who need a lightweight and simple platform to manage project tasks, timesheets, timesheets, project and invoice management, time and expenses, client and contact management, client and contact management, task and project tracking, and time tracking and billing. Finclock features include: * Tasks: Finclock offers task-level project management. Tasks are the basic unit of work. Each task has progress, a project name, a start date, a due date, and an owner. * Timesheets: Timesheets are an essential tool for time tracking and billing. Each task can be linked to a timesheet. You can track time spent on each task and log it on your timesheets. * Projects: Projects are groups of tasks. Each project has a name, a description, and an owner. * Invoices: Finclock offers project invoices to clients. You can create invoice templates and export them to PDF or Excel. * Expenses: Finclock offers expense management for tracking business-related expenses. You can set up expense categories and categories, and link each expense category to a project. * Time tracking: Finclock offers time tracking. You can track the time spent on each project with a time tracker. You can export your timesheets to CSV. * Timesheets: Finclock offers timesheets for tracking the time spent on each project with a time tracker. You can export your timesheets to CSV. * Reports: Finclock offers various

Top 10 Project management software tools for teams

Project Management tools for businesses

The following article will help you to get familiar with the most popular project management tools. These are some of the best tools that can help you manage your projects effectively and save your time and energy. This article lists 10 project management software tools for project managers. Some of these tools are used by individuals, others are used by entire organizations, and some are even used by entire industries.

Why do you need PM Tools in your business?

Project management tools play a critical role in streamlining many of the necessary project management processes used by both small and enterprise businesses. Every project is different, but for the most part, they all require a few of the same basic functions. A project management software tool should provide: A central location for every member of the team to store and access information pertaining to their roles and responsibilities. A place to assign tasks to members of the team and delegate work accordingly. A way to track and organize deadlines, milestones, deliverables and other important dates relating to the project at hand. A way to communicate with each member of the team as needed. Some project management software tools allow for private messages between team members, while others are more public forums that anyone within the organization can contribute to. An easy way to share updated information with outsiders who may be affected by or have an interest in your projects, like clients, vendors or suppliers.

Top 10 Project Management tools

  1. Finclock- for businesses with costing, team management and financial reports
  2.  Sprint - for planning and managing software development projects
  3. Trello - for organizing tasks and projects into boards
  4. Asana - for planning team projects and tasks
  5. Basecamp - for team project tracking, brainstorming, and wiki
  6. Wrike - for agile project management
  7. Google Docs - for collaboration on projects
  8. GitHub - for code management
  9. Confluence - for collaboration on documents
  10. Slack - for group chat


There are so many project management software tools on the market, but there is no one size fits all solution. It depends on your needs and the specific demands of your business. In today’s article, we bring you some of the best online project management software tools to help give you a head start in finding exactly what you need.

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Project management software for teams

The most important thing in project management is to avoid surprises. The danger is that the work you started has no logical end. When I worked in a big software company, my biggest fear was for two things: that someone would assign me work that could not be completed before the deadline, and that someone would assign me work that had to be completed by the deadline but had no logical end. These are exactly the kind of work projects get assigned: work that has no end, so you can just keep going. One way to avoid surprises is to plan. Software projects usually involve writing a lot of documents. As soon as you know you need something, start planning. Software projects usually end up over budget, too. If it does, it will probably be because you haven't planned enough. But you have to avoid being too conservative. You have to plan enough so that you know all your options, but not too much so that you know you are never going to have to make a decision. Another important rule: you have to finish work before you start something else. Many software projects go on and on, partly because they are so complicated.

Project management means many things to many people. To some it means managing a project like building a factory, so that everything goes according to plan, on time and on budget. To others it means overseeing a group of people like Lego, making sure that all the pieces fit together. To still others it means managing oneself, like making sure you do all the work that has to be done, every day. Having a diversity of perspectives is useful. But if you understand them, they aren't that different. A project is about managing people in a way that lets them do what they do best. Project management software for teams is a tool that helps you do that. It defines roles and processes, and suggests ways of organizing project work. It lets you track who does what, and who reports to whom. It lets you plan the work, distribute the work, report the results, and make decisions. In short, it is aimed at the people who do the work. Software for project managers is directed at the people who do the work. So don't confuse the two. But project managers aren't the only ones who need to manage projects. Project management software is directed at both project managers and the people they oversee. The project management software you buy today will probably be for project teams, not project managers. If you're managing a project team, you need software that will help you do your job: track who does what, keep everyone informed, manage the work, make decisions, and report the results. Everyone on a project team needs that kind of software. And everyone on a project team needs software to help them do their job. Software is messy. And software is inexpensive. Both of those make it tempting to try to manage the work yourself, by hacking together whatever tools you can find.

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